First of all, I’d like to congratulate all the companies who have taken part in this year’s Lab and to give my particular thanks to all our partners who have collaborated with us to make the past three months a success. London continues to be a world-class environment for scaling FinTech and helping to redefine the financial services industry. With regulation and increasing customer expectations making the market ever more competitive, we’re seeing stronger demand for new digital innovations, hence the introduction of our Open Banking stream. Now in its seventh year, Accenture’s FinTech Innovation Lab has once again brought together innovative FinTechs with experienced industry professionals in order to evolve the financial industry for the better. THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN FOR COMING TODAY, AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THOSE INVOLVED. JULIAN SKAN GLOBAL PROGRAMME SPONSOR, ACCENTURE FINTECH INNOVATION LAB 3 ACC0718992528-5_FinTech Graduation Day 2019_A5 brochure_V9 SL.indd 3 22/03/2019 08:46