We are solving the cross-border distribution, product and tax suitability issues for over 100 financial institutions with automated suitability assessments. Our proprietary entanglement logic of client context, regulatory rules and product data leads to automated unambiguous suitability answers - even down to the individual instrument level. Banks, wealth managers and asset managers transform error-prone manual work flows into fully compliant automated process with our suitability service; speeding up the advisory process and significantly reducing regulatory risks. www.investmentnavigator.com Asset managers and global banks investing in emerging and frontier markets typically do not have direct access to local financial institutions due to counterparty concerns (KYC/AML/balanace sheet) or due to simple resource limitations. This results in only a limited reach of local liquidity often through one or two intermediaries. This is very costly - both from explicit costs (commissions) as well as from implicit (time, lost opportunities, and opportunity costs). www.zeroflows.com 7 ACC0718992528-5_FinTech Graduation Day 2019_A5 brochure_V9 SL.indd 7 22/03/2019 08:46