BITA - Pitch Deck

Pitch deck for BITA, a member of the 2020 FinTech Innovation Lab cohort.

The Index Technology Company

USD 10 trillion in assets are indexed… ACTIVELY MANAGED FUNDS PASSIVELY MANAGED FUNDS Asset managers use indexes as benchmarks The index IS the de-facto asset or references to manage funds manager 3.7 million indexes are being maintained globally

So index providers are thriving… 10 BASIS POINTS or 0,07% ETF MANAGEMENT FEE PAID BY INVESTOR 3 BASIS POINTS or 0,03% In exchange of: INDEX FEES Index Development Index Calculation Index Administration

…but, despite this massive shift… PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Long and inflexible Clients are not happy INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY with the status quo No control FEES Too high!

Introducing BITA World’s first end-to-end infrastructure for Self-Indexing and Systematic Investing BITACORE BITA ACE Index and systematic investment Real-time high performance construction platform calculation system BITA MIND BITA LENS BITACORE Performance, Factor and ESG Autonomous Systematic Asset Managers (ASAM) training reporting and analytics tool infrastructure

Vision: BITA Integrated Ecosystem Staticrulebook (CORE) Clients license Dynamic rulebook (MIND) BITACORE or BITA MIND as product development workbench Dissemination and integration with OM and PM BITAcodesexisting rulebook inACE systems Clients request BITAdevelops rulebook inACE calculation service on BITA ACE Reports and analytics Clients uploads existingportfolio

Our Value to Customers • Savings in index and data licenses • Full flexibility when designing strategies • Faster product development • Shorter time to market • Outsourcing of regulatory burden • Access to third-party IP in one infrastructure • Less operational burden

Clients & Partners

BITA GmbH CONTACT US Schumannstrasse34b 60325, Frankfurt Germany Looking to design, build and calculate Contact Sales indexesand quantitative strategies seamlessly? +49 163 2586552 Speak with one of our sales representatives [email protected] and let us help you.

The Index Technology Company