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Boogi Pitch Deck

Sustainable Living | Boogi enables banks and communities to support local merchants by providing the tools to create loyalty programs powered directly by consumer transaction data.

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 Incentive marketing powered by customer transactions Pre - seed Investment Round Ø Raising £600k © Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 WORLD - WIDE PROBLEM Offline businesses are unable to track and profile customers in - store , resulting in an inability to incentivise spending effectively ? Ø NO EMAIL Ø NO PURCHASE HISTORY Ø NO CUSTOMER PROFILE Ø UNTARGETED DISCOUNTING Ø WASTED MARGINS

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 PROBLEM As a result, these businesses are losing market share to e - commerce and therefore need a way to compete

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 SOLUTION We turn customer debit cards into virtual club cards We enable bricks and mortar businesses to understand who their customers are and intelligently incentivise future spend 1234 4321

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 Drives genuine customer re - engagement, locking future consumer spending for merchants ü TARGETED INCENTIVES ü INCREASED CUSTOMER LTV ü SPEND DRIVEN LOYALTY Results PRODUCT Merchant Loyalty Platform Accessible via web

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 PRODUCT Community - wide loyalty programmes Drives footfall in the community and generates revenue for participating merchants ü REWARD CITIZENS FOR SHOPPING LOCALLY ü INCREASED COMMUNITY COMPETITIVENESS ü FOOTFALL AND REVENUE ANALYTICS Results

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 MARKET SIZE Global Market SOM (Potential penetration) SAM (Open Banking Countries) £1.9B TAM (Towns >10k population) £434m Merchants Towns Consumer £87m £22.8B £5.21B £625m £17.1B £7.16B £358m £41.8B £12.8B £1.07B TOTAL 20% 12% 5%

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 Revenue (25% adoption) Subscription fee 1000 towns Customers £5000 ARR/town REVENUE UK Market Revenue Breakdown Merchants Towns Consumer Data monetisation £1,250,000 ARR Revenue (17% adoption) Subscription fee 100K merchants Customers £600 ARR/merchant £10,200,000 ARR Revenue (10% utilisation ) Monetisation 40m consumers Users £5 per/user £20,000,000 ARR

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 PRODUCT Business model & pricing Distribution: SaaS Loyalty Platform: Merchant loyalty solution £25 per 500 incentive marketing sends Monthly subscription Usage based pricing Average MRR: £50 Insights APIs £3.50 / 1000 calls 1 – 5 year contracts Future Data Monetisation: Merchant acquisition Merchant acquisition Loca l districts and governments £5000 - £12,000 / year 2 + year contracts Retail and Business Banking Banks purchase licences for customers 2+ year contracts Proof of Presence £50 / 1000 calls 1 – 5 year contracts

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 GO TO MARKET & DISTRIBUTION Local Business Districts and Governments as customers & re - sellers Benefits for place managers: ü Generate merchant approval for voting ü Drive footfall and increase revenue ü Subscription revenue from merchant upgrades

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 GO TO MARKET & DISTRIBUTION Retail banks – National consumer adoption and merchant acquisition Typical UK Bank 5 million consumers 25K highstreet merchants Consumers receive rewards Banks support businesses ü Positive branding opportunity to place Banks back in the minds of local communities Benefits for banks: ü An effective tool for acquisition & retention of business accounts

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 KEY DEVLOPMENTS Progress and Endorsement Fintech Innovation Lab ü Voted in by 100+ VCs, Angels and Banks to participate. Beat 300+ applicants. Community Loyalty Sales ü 5 BID Proposals pending board approval ü Active product development discussions with towns across the UK Retail Banking Partnerships ü 4 major banks in early discussions ü UK, Norway, Italy Merchant Pilots & Testing ü Tested with 50+ merchants ü 3000+ incentives redeemed (in 4 months) ü 4000+ users (in 4 months) ü 20% increase in customer retention

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 DIFFERENTIATION We stand out in a competitive industry ü Affordable & intelligent loyalty software for SMEs ü Offline businesses can implement advanced incentive marketing techniques Ø We unlock the benefits of spend driven loyalty to a previously unobtainable market ü Direct banking integrations provide greater consumer and business trust ü By owning the network, we will utilise data to innovate more efficiently Ø Strong 3 - way network between Banks, Businesses & Consumers

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 Founders Christian Saraty - CEO Advisory board Martin Blackwell Ex CEO - Association of Town Centre Management & Board member of International Downtown Association Industry - leading advisor to place managers, town centres and business improvement districts Brian Dunne (NED) Board Member – Incentive Marketing Association Ex: Whitbread Director, Just Eat, Amazon and more Industry leading advisor to incentive marking, loyalty and fintech companies Shiran Liyanage Pioneered SAAS in the UK and developed over 50 ecommerce, comms and media propositions Software sales, High speed scaling, Software as a Service, Revenue maximisation TEAM Passionate entrepreneurs and experienced thought leaders Sales & Software BSc Computer Science Stefano Di Gregorio - COO Product & Operations BA Accounting and Financial Management

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 ü Reliable & Secure Software ü 50+ Merchants piloted ü Implemented foundations for go - to - market strategy Ø Community loyalty programme Ø Banking channel partnerships Ø Software integrations: POS & rewards content platforms Ø Contextual data Ø Basket data Ø Customer profiling insights Development of technology, product trials & testing Rollout via merchant acquisition engines Phase 1 Completed 2022 Phase 2 2023 Phase 3 2024 Consumer insights for user monetisation ACTION PLAN 3 Phase Action Plan

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 NET INCOME & CASH FLOW 5 Year Financial Forecast KEY METRICS 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Funding £600k £1.5m - - - Merchants Customers 120 1,012 2,930 5,945 10,115 Community Customers 17 44 73 104 137 Revenue £ 40k £ 578k £ 2.3m £ 5.8m £ 11.9m Expenses £ 215k £ 1.1m £ 1.8m £ 3.4m £ 6m Net Income £ ( 175k ) £ ( 545k ) £ 468k £ 2.4m £ 5.9m Margin - 440% - 94% 20% 41% 50% (2,000,000) - 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 14,000,000 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Revenues COGS SG&A Net Income

© Boogi Technologies Ltd 2023 12m Usage Breakdown 2023 Pre - seed Funding Round Goal: £600k ü £50k committed ü EIS Assured Ø Target close: Autumn 2023 ü 18 month runway