Secure code development workspaces for distributed teams FOUNDING TEAM Laurent Balmelli, PhD: CEO YEAR FOUNDED: Co-founder of the company Strong Network, backed by top European VC OpenOcean with a Seed 2020 roundofCHF5.2mclosedinMarch2022andmajorcustomerssuchasBroadcomandSwissRe, TEAM SIZE: He sold his last cybersecurity start-up, Strong Codes to the US company Snapchat in 2016 25 (Bloomberg Technology article) and led cybersecurity efforts at Snap during a three-year earn out periodfrom2016to2020.HeleftSnaptocreateStrongNetworkwithOzrenko. TARGET CUSTOMERS: After earning his PhD from ETH in Switzerland in 2000, he also worked 12 years at IBM Research CTO, Head of Development, Division and CTOofficeinNewYorkandTokyobeforemovingbacktoSwitzerland. Head of IT/Cloud Infrastructure RELEVANT INDUSTRIES: OzrenkoDragic: CTO Banking, Insurance, Industrial Co-founderofthecompanyStrongNetwork,inchargeofalltheengineeringeffort. Sector He worked at Snap with Laurent as one of the key engineers designing security for Snap’s cloud infrastructure. He is widely recognized for his technical skills in software architecture and has developed game-changing technologies at Snap. He left Snap in 2020 to create Strong Network withLaurent. He earned his MsC in Computer Science from ETH in Switzerland after graduating from Belgrade University. CLOUD

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