Incentive marketing powered by customer transactions TEAM Christian Saraty: Founder & CEO YEAR FOUNDED: Founded Boogiin 2021 at 22 years old, straight out of university after studying computer science. Over the 2021 last 2 years, I’ve developed experience in managing a team, raising capital & investment, and open banking. Before Boogi, I gained technical experience working as a software engineer at Mizuho TEAM SIZE: international. Was the youngest person in the UK to become a fully qualified tennis coach and was 4 president of the university tennis team from 2020-2021, winning the best-performing university tennis club in London and the southeast. TARGET CUSTOMERS: • Banks & Building Societies In 2017, I built a tennis coaching & competition business that serviced 3 tennis clubs in Surrey & Sussex. In • Business Improvement 2020 I built a penny stock Reddit sentiment tracker to “intelligently invest” during covid-19. Districts RELEVANT INDUSTRIES: Stefano Di Gregorio: Founder & COO Retail banking rewards, customer engagement, open Founded Boogi in 2021 at 22 years old, straight out of university where I studied accounting and financial banking, loyalty management. Over the last 2 years i’ve developedexperience in customer engagement, open finance, and product development. In addition, I have broadened my experience through the management of multiple social action projects and business ventures such as being the treasurer and trustee of the Help Uganda Trust, a charity that supports the health and education of orphan children from elementary to university. Amazing thing I’ve built: In 2018 I started a company, Ticketlife. This business aggregated ticket listings from popular ticket websites and donated 7% of the ticket value to the chosen charity of the buyer. COST OF LIVING

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