Our Big Advantage: We Use Blockchain Private assets are now instantly transferrable – no humans required We created the world’s first asset security structure in blockchain as a direct holding – tested and proven in the FCA’s sandbox in 2018 – enabling simpler ownership without requiring layers of nominees, immediate legal title transfer of private assets, real-time corporate actions, and providing an immutable audit trail Liquidity via Globacap One-to-one transfers with immediate, digital, settlement finality – no signatures, no manual overheads – electronic share certificates or novation agreements executed automatically Secondary auction facility coming in Q3 2020 Private Blockchain (Hyperledger) Self-Encapsulated Regulatory Checks We have written regulatory checks, such as minimum 1-to-1 holding periods, directly into the security itself, giving issuers and investors compliance certainty Transaction Record Register Direct Ownership Our innovative technology allows for efficient, direct ownership of securities, without requiring layers of Company investors nominees (however we can and have implemented a Company/Fund nominee/trust structure for certain assets) (our customer) Immutable Audit Trail Blockchain provides an immutable, trustworthy audit See further information on our unique blockchain structure in the Appendix of this document trail and reporting 7