CASE STUDY 1: PAYMENTS WITH CARD-PRESENT PAYMENTS • NO CARD NUMBERis displayed on the physical card, resulting in reduced CNP Fraud. • WALLET FUNCTIONALITY: The physical card can act as all of your bank cards through the application. • BIOMETRIC/DYNAMIC NUMBER functionality can be added. • CUSTOMIZABLEcard for the issuer or the cardholder. CARD-NOT-PRESENT PAYMENTS • DISPOSABLE VIRTUAL CARD NUMBERS can be generated by touching the card to your smartphone. • STATIC VIRTUAL CARD NUMBERS can be generated for card-on- file payments. • DIGITAL CARDwith built-in display can generate the One-time Dynamic PAN directly on the card. • ULTIMATE CONTROLfor the user: Specify valid dates, create Static Virtual PANS, it’s all possible.

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