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U Impact Pitch Deck

Sustainable Living | U Impact provides B2B clients with a white-label solution that offers an intuitive fund exploration tool paired with compelling behavioural analytics.

May 2023 Confidential We use data to mobilise capital towards sustainability Confidential

It's the " Green Goldrush " Entering mainstream Unstoppable trend A global movement 1/3 of all global AUM* by 2025 $53 trillion by 2025* $37.8 trillion in 2021* Europe : 50% of global ESG assets. US : Strongest expansion. Asia : The next wave of growth. Accelerated growth is expected – as ESG extends across asset classes and themes. Triggered by the pandemic and the green recovery across the EU, US and China. Sustainable investment is entering mainstream . * Data source: Bloomberg, 2021, “ESG assets may hit $53 trillion by 2025, a third of global AUM” Market Confidential

More money could be mobilised towards sustainability Lack of visibility & greenwashing Data overload & regulatory burden Complexity for end investors Rapid growth in the sustainable investment market coupled with lack of transparency Knowledge gaps to effectively evaluate sustainability Loss of confidence from recent scandals Increasing levels of regulation & reporting requirements The output is not accessible to end investors due to complexity How to turn the burden into opportunities ? Too many „green“ options Lots of confusing jargon . Lack of intuitive tools to easily compare options. Financial institutions and investors are missing the tools to benefit from the “Green Goldrush.” Regulatory push: No. 1 priority in EU to tackle "Greenwashing" & create transparency. Huge demand pull: The rapid growth of appetite for sustainable products. We are the missing link: Why us, right now? Problem We provide the “picks and shovels” to benefit from the "Green Goldrush“. Confidential

The u impact value proposition We drive inflows to sustainable funds for financial institutions by providing them with a B2B2C white - label solution that offers: • an intuitive and gamified fund exploration tool for enhanced conversion, • proprietary behavioural analytics and nudges for long term user retention. We allow financial institutions to turn their ESG costs and regulatory burden into revenue & growth opportunities by using data to engage with their broadening client base. Our behavioural analytics catalogues user actions and interests to create user profiles. These insights are used to apply tailored behavioural nudges, empowering end - investors to become more confident and sustainable investors. Leverage existing data 1 Conversion of end - investors 2 Retention of end - investors 3 Customer Lifetime Value We transform the user journey: Shorter. Simpler. Designed to reach sustainable investment decisions quickly. We replace the typical frontends, where sometimes more than 90% of potential investors drop out due to complexity, lack of digestible sustainability data, etc. We collect data and profile investors to identify the most effective nudges and features for them. More details can be found in our whitepaper. We can feed existing ESG data (e.g. S&P, MSCI, etc.), as well as regulatory disclosures (SFDR, EET etc.) into our analysis. This makes our results cost - effective and trusted by your clients. Confidential Trusted ESG data & regulatory disclosure integration turns burden into opportunity. Fund selection & comparison tool makes starting sustainable investing easy. Behavioural analytics help you address the needs of your investors.

We revolutionise how investors engage with sustainable products We offer a solution suite with intuitive front - end for end - users, and data - driven backend for B2B clients. White - label SaaS solution Aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals End - user centric interface Easy integration Simple, transparent & accessible Complex, but not complicated Intuitive End - user interface B2B dashboard for insights / analytics Fund deep dives views and dashboards Product Confidential Watch our Product demo

User journey Onboarding KYC Explore investments Do offline research on sustainability Examine investment documents Shortlist investment options Compare options Execute trade A typical user journey User journey Onboarding KYC - Explore investments - Sustainability research - Investment doc - Shortlist & Comparison Execute trade The “U Impact” user journey We transform the user journey: • Shorter • Simpler • Effective Designed to reach sustainable investment decisions quickly. Conversion of end investors • This is a typical user journey of a retail investor trying to invest sustainably. • Currently, more than 90% of potential investors drop out , particularly at the steps highlighted in red due to: • Complexity • Lack of digestible sustainability data • Lacking effective section tools to make informed sustainable investment decisions Confidential

Retention of end investors with behavioural analytics Collecting data about users Investor profiling Identify effective nudges Develop features Confidential MiFiD II questions Sustainability preferences (incl. MiFiD II) Investment information Demographic Analyse patterns Testing hypotheses Collect usage data Observe & iterate

We give financial institutions the tools and behavioural insights to put ESG data to work Fund distributors use our white - label solution End - investors invest and explore with our white - label solution Sustainability data sources Integrate seamlessly into our modelling Fund manufacturers use our behavioural analytics Financial institutions (e.g. banks) Fintechs Fin. Adv., private banks Fund mfgs . Data providers Disclosed regulatory data Everyday sustainable investors* * see “u impact investor framework” Ecosystem Confidential

Investment Analysis • Portfolio Analysis • Focus on institutions Data flow via API ESG & Regulatory data provision • Satisfy regulatory disclosure • Focus on i nstitutions Investor engagement • Drive upside • Empower investors • Change investor behaviour • Focus on end - investors Data flow via API Data flow via API B2B Landscape Drive behavioural shift towards sustainability by empowering investors Confidential

How we typically engage with financial institutions (FI) Through our strategic alliances, we can tap into a wealth of digital implementation expertise to accelerate deployment and compliance, whilst demonstrating a commitment to innovation at the bank by underwriting the outcomes of the project. Roadmap to a production ready MVP within 6 months Sandbox Powered Discovery Ready within 2 weeks, for 1 - 3 months period. Time boxed discovery & digital readiness assessment to prove value of innovative sustainable investment suite. Scalable design & production - ready MVP 3 - 9 months, depending on specification Innovative, outcome - based commercial propositions to reduce the financial and delivery risk to the FI. Full solution roll - out Within 12 - 18 months Scaled data driven sustainable investment exploration and behavioural analytics suite for your chosen fund universe. 1 2 3 Pilot Technology & regulatory adaptation and accreditation. Ability to transfer from test to production environments with ease. Ability to understand the product and build customisations on top of existing functionality. Customer experimentation and learning. 1 2 3 4 Time boxed discovery & digital readiness assessment to define a strong business case & KPI benefits framework. Rapid proof of value Innovative, outcome based commercial propositions to reduce the financial and delivery risk to the FI. De - risk the MVP delivery Dedicated support service from MVP launch, through to a scaled solution. Scalable Support Confidential

Advisors Rebecca Self Advisor : Sustainable Finance Former CFO Sustainable Finance HSBC Laurence Norman Advisor : Data and Large Client Engagement Vice President NTT Data Impact Koldo Oleaga Advisor : Banks and Institutions Chief Financial Officer Santander Consumer Bank Italy Chengwei Liu Advisor : Behavioural Sciences Professor Strategy and Behaviour Sciences ESMT Berlin Founding team Dr. Clemens Chaskel CTO & Cofounder 15+ years experience in R&D, strategy, technology and innovation management Alistair Hume COO & Cofounder 10+ years experience in financial services Lesley Li CEO & Cofounder 10+ years experience in financial services We are an award - winning start - up with founder - market fit to deliver We have extensive experience in the financial sector, as well as in strategic technology and innovation management. With us, you can discuss your strategic and product needs at eye - level. Experienced team 20+ years Combined financial sector experience 15+ years technology and innovation management experience Expert advisors 4 We have expert advisors across all disciplines Why us Confidential

Founded in 2021 Award winning in Germany and Europe Invited to speak in major events Partnerships We are an award - winning start - up with founder - market fit to deliver Experienced team 20+ years Combined financial sector experience 15+ years technology and innovation management experience Global collaboration 3+ Committed collaborations with signed letters of intent. Recognised globally 5+ Competitions won 4+ Invitations to speak at major events Funding raised EU grant & Pre - seed EU grant in 2021 Pre - seed funding in 2021 Vision Making sustainable investment the new normal. Mission Using data to mobilise capital towards sustainability. Winner Global Startup Competition 2022 Winner OVHCloud Top 10 Startup in Western Europe SheLovesTech Global Startup Competition 2021. Germany‘s Top 3 Early Impact Venture Get in the Ring Winner #Fintech4Impact Challenge 2020 Visa Top 10 Fintech for Good Startup Super Connect for Good 2021 Signed LOI Customer and partner Keynote Speaker Keynote Speaker Speaker Speaker Why us Accelerator Accelerator Confidential Appendix Confidential

Behavioural science academic research Confidential

• Valuable opportunity to socialise “U Impact Investor Framework” • Academic theory applied to real - world use cases • Workshopping real - time feedback with MBA students Q3 2022: 1 st ESMT Berlin workshop Confidential

Q4 2022 study with Oldenburg Partners • In - depth user interviews, validating and building on studies to - date • Additional data collected for subsequent iterations Confidential

The „u impact investor framework “ that shapes our analytics CONFIDENTIAL – NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR PUBLICATION WITHOUT AUTHORISATION BY U IMPACT (IMPACT4GOOD GMBH). Character: Guilt, burnout, helpless, avoidance, requiring control and self - care Character: Honourable, humble purpose, equality, driven Character: Go with the flow, occupied, life is busy enough already Character: Honest, intellectual, critical, conflicted, proof - oriented, overthinker Investor confidence level Sustainability level Low High Low High The sceptic “I’m not a charity” • Not yet sustainable • Confident investor The empowered “I’m putting my money where it aligns wit my values.” • Sustainable • Confident investor The average “...just haven’t thought much about the topics, although I should know.” • Not sustainable • Low confidence investor The overwhelmed “It’s my responsibility to do the right thing, but I’ve no idea where to start.” • Sustainable • Low confidence investor 20 % 50 % 10 % 20 % „u impact investor framework“, created by impact4good GmbH, 2022. Confidential Working paper Confidential Read our working paper: A view on end - investor types in sustainable investment A view on end - investor types in sustainable investment Chaskel, Hume, Li Originally written in 2022, revised in 2023 Abstract Sustainable investment has become a global movement with $53 trillion assets under management expected in 2025. It is no longer a side - show but a mainstream trend that is reaching private investors across the world. However, the real - world impact of such investments is often difficult to understand and benefits other than financial return are difficult to quantify. Also, as retail investors are often emotionally driven and do not necessarily make fact - based investment decisions, financial institutions are struggling to channel capital towards sustainable investment products. It is therefore necessary to understand the investor types and their individual motivations that can trigger them to make sustainable investments, rather than non - sustainable ones. This working paper proposes a framework that splits sustainable investors into four categories and outlines thoughts on how financial institutions can use this framework for developing more private investor - oriented solutions.

Approach for 2 nd ESMT workshop • Lecture / discussion 2 hours • Group work / deep dive 3 hours • Group discussion 2 hours A day of exploring and validating nudges for sustainable investment with 50+ students. Confidential

Building on “dual process theory” (Thaler & Sunstein) Non - transparent Transparent Reflective thinking (e.g. choices) Automatic thinking (e.g. unconscious) Adapted from Hansen & Jespersen, 2013, “Nudge and the Manipulation of Choice” e.g. “true, good point” triggers e.g. “I feel something should be considered” triggers e.g. “Shifted default” triggers e.g. “that looks right” triggers • Uncontrolled • Effortless • Associative Fast • Unconscious • Skilled • Reflective thinking • Controlled • Effortful • Deductive • Slow • Self - aware • Rule following Confidential

u impact’s nudge type overview Non - transparent Transparent Reflective thinking (e.g. choices) Automatic thinking (e.g. unconscious) Adapted from Hansen & Jespersen, 2013 RN - Type nudges Manipulation of choice RT - Type nudges Transparent facilitation of consistent choice AN - Type nudges Non - transparent manipulation of behaviour AT - Type nudges Transparent influence (technical manipulation) of behaviour You’re doing good. Keep going. RT - Type nudges • RT1: Prompts, e.g. "do you care about sustainability?" • RT2: CO2 footprint insights • RT3: Peer comparison of footprint or impact • RT4: Gamification - hit a sustainability target • RT5: User journey visualising route to impact • RT6: Warnings when negative impact is detected in portfolio RN - Type nudges • RN1: Framing of wording of choice frames • RN2: Incentives for sustainable investment • RN3: Pushing "obvious choice" with bad alternatives • RN4: Visualisation of negative impact • RN5: Visualisation of peer pressure • RN6: Bonus / rewards on sustainable choices AT - Type nudges • AT1: Highlighting investors are creating impact • AT2: Low - pressure, gamified engagement with sustainable products • AT3: Change of default options / settings for fund filters • AT4: Visualisation highlighting negatives more than positives • AT5: Showing sustainable funds first through secondary filter • AT6: Discourage non - sustainable investments AN - Type nudges • AN1: Regular investment option - continuously do well while doing good • AN2: Opt - in/opt - out for preference of sustainable investments • AN3: UI/UX element tailoring to trigger sustainable behaviour • AN4: Fund organisation / filtering / search behaviour alteration • AN5: Subliminal peer pressure / peer comparison • AN6: Triggers on "good conscience" Confidential

2021: User research – 300 end investors Q2 2022: Fund Explorer developed (for data capture) Q3 2022 Investor framework development Q3 2022: 1 st ESMT workshop Q4 2022 release of the whitepaper Q4 2022 study with Oldenburg Q4 2022 Chosen by Luxembourg Ministry of Economy to scale up in Lux Q1 2023 Accenture Fintech Innovation Lab Q1 2023 1 st paying client Q1 2023 Launch of project phase II Q1 2023 2 nd ESMT workshop Q2 2023 Nudges vs. investor types further validations Q2 2023 Develop pilot partners for larger - scale validations Q3 2023 Rollout further nudges into Fund Explorer Q4 2023 Release next whitepaper on “Nudges vs. Investor Types” Our progress on behavioural science : Timeline on behavioural science Confidential

Confidential u impact is a brand of impact4good GmbH, Gottfried - von - Cramm - Weg 45, 14193 Berlin. Directors: Lu Li, Clemens Chaskel, Alistair Hume. Registration court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Berlin. Registration number: HRB 229776 B. Our privacy policy: We use data to mobilise capital towards sustainability. We create impact beyond regulation. Get in touch with us now: [email protected] Confidential