untied does your tax return in three minutes. Taxes are a pain for 11.7 million people in the UK. Most lack the knowledge or confidence to complete their return properly. Three million leave it to the last minute. 750k get penalties for missing the deadline. That’s one in three taxpayers. Some will be self-employed or gig economy workers, some will own property, others will have salaries on PAYE which takes them above the threshold. All will have a bank account. untied is a disruptive app and service that makes personal taxes easy for all of these people. It’s quick to get going, and once up and running untied’s automation will sort income and expenses across all income types, maximise deductions and improve compliance. At the end of the year the return is ready to be filed in three minutes. www.untied.io We solve the 'going digital' problem by providing financial businesses with all the core infrastructure, regulatory permissions and services through a suite of RESTful APIs. Partners can mix and match our offering to create their own proposition. Our API platform enables a business to create and launch a digital finance app in a matter of weeks as opposed to years. The platform provides access to various infrastructure modules and suppliers, which can be accessed seamlessly with minimal effort, ensuring optimal pricing and quality through competition. www.wealthkernel.com 13 ACC0718992528-5_FinTech Graduation Day 2019_A5 brochure_V9 SL.indd 13 22/03/2019 08:47