employ Every company is going to be a fintech AAZZUR’s Revenue 2027 (SOM) 80 m € Sources listed here: https:// www.simon - torrance.com /blog/EmbeddedFinance1 * 20x revenue = market value SOM = Serviceable Obtainable Market By abstracting banking and insurance functionality into technology , embedded f inance enables any brand or merchant to rapidly enhance their service offering. It is like “web - technology” in 1998 – ready for mass adoption. Fintechs , supported by VCs, are currently taking the lead in creating sophisticated embedded finance offerings via APIs and Banking - as - a - Service offerings. Incumbent banks will follow. Companies, who need to integrate several services, prefer Embedded Finance Aggregators that combine such services and offer pre - configured solutions . Embedded Finance in 2030 Total Addressable Market* BaaS Integrators in 2030 Serviceable Available Market Revenue 197 bn € Revenue 20 bn € Embedded Finance is a 6.3 tn € * opportunity in <10 years ADDRESSABLE MARKET 6
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