MatLogica Unlocking full potential of modern hardware TEAM YEAR FOUNDED: CTO: Dmitri Goloubentsev 2020 18 years experience in quant finance, mathematics and developing risk systems (Lloyds, CIBC world markets) and has a MSc in Applied Mathematics. Dmitri is proficient in high-performance computing in C++ TEAM SIZE: and assembler languages. He is the inventor of MatLogica'score product. Dmitri frequently presents at 5 industry conferences such as QuantMindsand co-authored a number of papers. TARGET CUSTOMERS: Quants, Risk Managers, COO: Natalija Karpichina Traders RELEVANT INDUSTRIES: Natalija has 15 years' experience as a financial software developer, business analyst and project manager Investment Banking, Hedge (Credit Suisse/Trafigura). She holds a MSc in Software Engineering and an MBA from Bayes Business Funds, Insurance School with a focus on Digital Strategy. She joined the company as an advisor in summer 2020 and as an employee in summer of 2021. Sales Lead: Tim Watmough Tim has 20+ years of experience in the financial services industry and has owned Executive Search firms. His warm connections in the target market and his commercial experience are critical to generating and maintaining the flow of ongoing qualified business opportunities for MatLogica. FUTURE TECH

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