AI Content Chat (Beta) logo Working paper Confidential Read our working paper: A view on end - investor types in sustainable investment A view on end - investor types in sustainable investment Chaskel, Hume, Li Originally written in 2022, revised in 2023 Abstract Sustainable investment has become a global movement with $53 trillion assets under management expected in 2025. It is no longer a side - show but a mainstream trend that is reaching private investors across the world. However, the real - world impact of such investments is often difficult to understand and benefits other than financial return are difficult to quantify. Also, as retail investors are often emotionally driven and do not necessarily make fact - based investment decisions, financial institutions are struggling to channel capital towards sustainable investment products. It is therefore necessary to understand the investor types and their individual motivations that can trigger them to make sustainable investments, rather than non - sustainable ones. This working paper proposes a framework that splits sustainable investors into four categories and outlines thoughts on how financial institutions can use this framework for developing more private investor - oriented solutions.

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