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u impact’s nudge type overview Non - transparent Transparent Reflective thinking (e.g. choices) Automatic thinking (e.g. unconscious) Adapted from Hansen & Jespersen, 2013 RN - Type nudges Manipulation of choice RT - Type nudges Transparent facilitation of consistent choice AN - Type nudges Non - transparent manipulation of behaviour AT - Type nudges Transparent influence (technical manipulation) of behaviour You’re doing good. Keep going. RT - Type nudges • RT1: Prompts, e.g. "do you care about sustainability?" • RT2: CO2 footprint insights • RT3: Peer comparison of footprint or impact • RT4: Gamification - hit a sustainability target • RT5: User journey visualising route to impact • RT6: Warnings when negative impact is detected in portfolio RN - Type nudges • RN1: Framing of wording of choice frames • RN2: Incentives for sustainable investment • RN3: Pushing "obvious choice" with bad alternatives • RN4: Visualisation of negative impact • RN5: Visualisation of peer pressure • RN6: Bonus / rewards on sustainable choices AT - Type nudges • AT1: Highlighting investors are creating impact • AT2: Low - pressure, gamified engagement with sustainable products • AT3: Change of default options / settings for fund filters • AT4: Visualisation highlighting negatives more than positives • AT5: Showing sustainable funds first through secondary filter • AT6: Discourage non - sustainable investments AN - Type nudges • AN1: Regular investment option - continuously do well while doing good • AN2: Opt - in/opt - out for preference of sustainable investments • AN3: UI/UX element tailoring to trigger sustainable behaviour • AN4: Fund organisation / filtering / search behaviour alteration • AN5: Subliminal peer pressure / peer comparison • AN6: Triggers on "good conscience" Confidential

U Impact Pitch Deck - Page 21 U Impact Pitch Deck Page 20 Page 22