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swIDch - Pitch Deck

Pitch deck for swIDch, a member of the 2020 FinTech Innovation Lab cohort.

‘One-Time Authentication Code’ Technology






ONE-TIME AUTHENTICATION CODE TECHNOLOGY • Generate a dynamic number for each transaction, WITHOUT a network connection. • Recognize WHO the user is with ONLY the dynamic code. • The dynamic code has 0% possibility of being duplicated with others. • Thedynamic code can be formatted and customized to client specifications. • All of the above are possible WITHOUT CHANGING the existing infrastructure. • This technology is the most secure because it generates a dynamic code in a closed network inaccessible by hackers.

TOKENIZATION INFRASTRUCTURE CURRENT TOKENIZATION CURRENT TOKEN SERVICES: • Uses Bi-directional Network • Heavy Infrastructure • High network traffic/fees • High maintenance costs TOKENIZATION WITH CREATE DYNAMIC CODES WITH NO NETWORK: • No need to request a token • No additional infrastructure required • No network fees • Minimal maintenance costs • Unlimited transactions

IN MULTIPLE INDUSTRIES Payments Access Management IoT Drone Government ID AI Speaker

CASE STUDY 1: PAYMENTS WITH CARD-PRESENT PAYMENTS • NO CARD NUMBERis displayed on the physical card, resulting in reduced CNP Fraud. • WALLET FUNCTIONALITY: The physical card can act as all of your bank cards through the application. • BIOMETRIC/DYNAMIC NUMBER functionality can be added. • CUSTOMIZABLEcard for the issuer or the cardholder. CARD-NOT-PRESENT PAYMENTS • DISPOSABLE VIRTUAL CARD NUMBERS can be generated by touching the card to your smartphone. • STATIC VIRTUAL CARD NUMBERS can be generated for card-on- file payments. • DIGITAL CARDwith built-in display can generate the One-time Dynamic PAN directly on the card. • ULTIMATE CONTROLfor the user: Specify valid dates, create Static Virtual PANS, it’s all possible.

CASE STUDY 1: BENEFITS WITH Eliminate Reduce Reduce Embossing/ Eliminate Eliminate Card Increase Infrastructure Costs CNP Fraud Printing Costs Delivery Costs Loss during transit Activation rate Instant Issuance Instant PIN Immediate Access Personalization to Funds Increases Usage

CASE STUDY 2: Corporate card issuing directly by the company (and not the issuer) CURRENT PROPOSED Advantages for the Client Advantages for the Issuer • Account manager directly issues card to employee • Decrease card manufacturing costs • Set customized expiration date, and limits • Decrease shipping costs • Seamless integrate with Mobile wallets like Google and ApplePay • Dramatically reduce resources needed for corporate clients • Link to physical card for card-present transactions • Seamlessly integrates into current payments standards

CASE STUDY 3: KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER • Know Your Customer process is incredibly time consuming for financial institutions and frustrating for customers. • Quickly authenticate your customer with ONLY the dynamic card number. • Biometric and mobile registration ENSURES that the customer is who they say they are.

CASE STUDY 4: ACCESS MANAGEMENT + = BIOMETRIC ACCESS CARD DYNAMIC CODE AUTHENTICATION AUTHENTICATION GENERATION • No need to remember userID and password. • Login with ONLY the dynamic card number. • Number can be generated WITHOUT a network. • Securely access your closed network/VPN using ACCESS GRANTED WITHOUT a network.

CASE STUDY 5: DOKU Payment Gateway/e-wallet app in Indonesia Dynamic Dynamic App Authentication & ID QR Payment • DOKU( is one of the top five e-wallet apps/payment gateways in Indonesia • 3 million downloads • 260,000 active users using swIDch technology • In unstable network environment, eliminate user discomfort and improve system safety and security • This feature will be applied at the USIM level in the future, and will be a pre-paid Wallet with telcos

2015. 11 ◦ A recognized technology at home and abroad ▪ Top 5 global security startups at Money 20/20 Asia …… R&D Center in Korea ▪ Accenture FinTech Innovation Lab 2020 ▪ GEP(Global Entrepreneur Programme), part of DIT ▪ Visa EverywhereInitiative ▪ NatWest/RBS Fintech Accelerator ▪ Direct Support from FCA ▪ LORCA cohort 3 (DCMS) 2018. 12 ▪ Awarded multiple prizes including K-Global Security Startup competition ▪ Portfolio of over 135 patents…, …… Global HQ in UK …across 6 regions and global cover PCT. ▪ Obtained FIDO 1.0 Int’l standard(iOS, Android, Server) ▪ Obtained FIDO 2.0 Int’l standard(Server, Authenticator) ▪ Obtained the first grade of GS certification

THANK YOU [email protected]

TEAM Chang-Hun Yoo David Choe SuLuquet Founder/CEO CGO COO • Head of Security Solution at MarkAny Inc. • CEO of myBOX(M&A) • Marketing Director, TutorMapper • Vice President of D2R CG Inc. • Director of Global Business Development, • Marketing Director, Culross Global • CEO&Founder of ‘’ KnowRe(M&A) Investment Management • SAMSUNG • Partner/Equity Swap Trader at CME • Investment Manager, Samsung Life • MBA from Kellogg School of Management Investment • BS in Computer Engineering from University of • MSc, University of Surrey Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Nick Hynes Tony Hughes Advisor Advisor • CEO of SOMO Global • CEO of City Curators • BIMIA Digital Hall of Fame • Dealmaker, Global • CEO of The Search Works (acquired Entrepreneurs Programme, by TradeDoublerAB for $112M Depart for International Trade • CEO of Overture Europe (acquired by • Commercial Director of Focus Yahoo for $1.6B) Innovation • Director of TouchTypeLtd, owner of • 15 Years in digital media SwiftKey

PROPOSAL : Company(orGroup) card issuing process WITHOUT management by the card issuer. CARDHOLDER MERCHANT CURRENT PAYMENT PROCESSOR ISSUER ⑧ CARD ACQUIRER Payment Network PRESENT Static POS Encrypted Encrypted ⑦ Authentication Authentication Authentication c Data Data Data itatpp CARD NOT GATEWAY TSP S PRESENT g into A ⑥ Token Token veiApp ONLINE Real PAN ecr by VAULT d an MOBILE g PAN PAYMENT n al Authorization Authorization dienVirtu S ⑤ FLEET MANAGER ①User Register ②Original or Mobile Card Issuing OTAC (BIN : 111111) swIDch Server ③Original Card Register (swIDch APP) ④Generating Static Virtual PAN ⑥Register Static Virtual PAN in existing PayApps and Use existing PayApps (BIN : 222222) Without Network Connection ⑦Generate Dynamic PAN (BIN : 333333) by swIDch App. (BIN : 222222) ⑧Use Physical rewritable Card (No card information on the surface, BIN : 222222) Copyright © 2018 by swIDch Ltd. A member of the Global Entrepreneurs Programme, Department for International Trade Suite 112, 8 Duncan Street, London N1 8BW, UK [email protected]

SSenStone : References REFERENCES

BUSINESS MODEL: API Driven Business App Level App KYC Level Chip Access Partner Level Management Partner Mobile Payment Chip Partner Level Remote Mobility IoT API Driven Physical Payment Home Partner Digital Card Card Network Manufacturing Partner Smart ID City High Security Accelerator Card Closed Networks Strategic Based on Partner swIDch API