The FinTech Impact Report: Working through the world’s to-do list #FinTechforImpact Younger companies have a higher positive impact When measured against the SDGs, companies established most recently have the most positive impact. This suggests older firms are failing to keep up with the changing needs of society. Average Current Impact of Companies by their Launch Year FinTechs have become increasingly impactful, a trend 65 particularly apparent from 2012 onwards. When benchmarked sG against the SDGs, those founded in 2022 onwards exhibit a 22% SD surge in their cumulative impact score, averaging at 61, compared t to the 50-point average of companies established in 2002.17 ins60 aga This uptrend underscores the agility with which FinTechs address contemporary challenges. Newer entities tend to have ing 55 greater impact than their predecessors from earlier years. This does Rat not necessarily imply older institutions are not impactful; rather that pact their ability to meet the ever-changing needs of today have Im50 diminished. Net While further scrutiny is needed to determine the longevity of ent 45 impact in these younger companies, their emergence can be traced rru back to the nascent stages of the Global Financial Crisis and the C subsequent drive to innovate. This also presents a significant 40 opportunity for traditional organisations, potentially less agile than 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 FinTechs, to forge partnerships with newer companies that can help Launch Year them better meet the rapidly emerging needs of society. Indicative trend line Average current impact 17